Tuesday 21 June 2011

Manipura Chakra Workshop..Honour Thyself

Manipura (Navel) Chakra Workshop


Honour Thyself

Where as the first chakra relates to tribe and the second relates to our one2one relationships this chakra relates to our relationship with the self.

The self meaning the whole self :- ego, body, spirit, minds, emotions & the nervous system. Although the nervous system is in the body it also has awareness outside of the body and responds independently to emotions which begin in one of the minds, they then feed and fuel reactions within our body. So if we throw in the complicated mess of the ego and the needs of the soul/spirit together with the needs of the physical body and the fleeting whispers of your intuitive guidance system we understand that there is a lot at stake here. The maturity that we seek is in truly knowing and accepting who we are, or doing the personal work neccessary to be exactly who you want to be and accept only that.
This chakra is ruled by fire, the challenge relates to transformation, the gift is that of self esteem- to enable another to believe in themselves is a gift from this chakra.

Honour Oneself- What are your values?

What do you stand for? What do you want to embody? Can you think alone?.

Here is where we break away from the tribe and unplug from what people tell us that we should be thinking. It is here that we are given the opportunity to start the process of mastering the Minds. The navel is linked to the sixth intuitional chakra, your gut feeling or instinct lives here and links you to your intuition. The will and the intellect also live here- this is the storehouse for energy, our finish what we start energy and it first develops between 21-28

Yoga wise Navel (Manipura) kriya's are generally challenging due to the enormous amount of energy needed to balance all these elements.

So onto the workshop:- As hinted above the Kriya for this centre was amazing, high energy and a lovely challenge. Everyone responded to this challenge with enthusiastic gusto ,I was very honoured to be a part of it- we had at 2 people new to Kundalini Yoga and 1 new to Yoga, a couple of Yoga teachers and some seriously brave warriors and together we rocked the 3rd chakra!

After Yoga we were served with some AMAZING food cooked by my partner and our friend and Yoga teacher Chris (on the sacral chakra re-run we will have bread baked by his wife Helen and some lovely choc balls)
Chris cooked kitcheree and a lovely homemade sultana dip and neil cooked spicy masala mashed potato and a yoghurt and cucumber dip with a tomato based really spicy dip together with popadoms and banana bread to take home. Awesome!!

Thank you to the people who made up the day:- May your esteem be high and your values be honoured- Sat Nam X .

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